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Digital economy

“Our experience working with new- and old-economy businesses on their digital transformations means we can help you cherry-pick the best balance between pace and rigor; creativity and control; and creativity and efficiency.”

Dave Machin

Contact Dave Dave

“Our experience working with new- and old-economy businesses on their digital transformations means we can help you cherry-pick the best balance between pace and rigor; creativity and control; and creativity and efficiency.”

Dave Machin

Contact Dave Dave

Digital transformation consulting: a fast moving, digital world.

The digital economy is agile, dynamic, challenging and growing rapidly. As technology evolves, unlocking potential for organizations and consumers alike, the possibilities for new ways to do business are growing exponentially. So how can organizations navigate their way through such a fast-changing environment?

Digital transformation strategy: cross-sector learning and ideas

Since we were established in 1990, The Berkeley Partnership has worked with the full range of traditional and digital businesses. We’ve seen the best (and at times, the worst) that both heritages can bring. 

We understand all aspects of the digital economy – infrastructure service providers that provide the rails on which the economy runs; e-businesses running their processes across integrated networks; e-commerce providers selling through digital channels; and atoms-to-bits companies who have digitized the product itself. 

We are at our best integrating people and technology challenges, and bringing the written and unwritten rules of organizations together into a complete digital transformation strategy.

Digital transformation strategy: our approach

We can help you focus on adding the missing ingredient. Unlike larger digital transformation consulting firms, we don’t need to deploy large teams – we’re happy augmenting your own team in small numbers, while leveraging the knowledge and experience of the whole of Berkeley. 

Our people do what’s required – from short, sharp reviews to multi-year commitments – and get out when we’re done. That’s particularly important in digital businesses needing transformation services where speed, agility and growth is so critical.

Digital transformation consulting: experience

Berkeley has the experience needed to realize your ambition without relying on relatively junior people following a generic methodology. We’ve been in the trenches delivering difficult digital transformation solutions many, many times, and know what works in practice. 

We specialize in offering you small numbers of highly experienced people, working alongside your own team, and incumbent partners where appropriate. Our people bring experience of working with both analogue and digital economy businesses, without mechanically following a methodology. We’ll look at the challenges that are unique to you, and tailor our advice and support accordingly.

The Berkeley Partnership team has added significant value through both direct action but also through the governance and review process that has supported their engagement."

Client Director, a digital travel company

Clients often ask us...

Question 1

How do I keep control of my business when I’m growing so fast?

Question 2

How do I add professionalism and governance without crushing my people’s creativity?

Question 3

Will my leadership team be strong enough to forge a strategic path for the business?

Question 4

How do I recruit for talent in a market with skills shortages?

Question 5

How do I train and develop my people to ensure they have the skills my business needs for the future?

Question 6

What’s the best way to create a digital transformation framework to help protect my organization from cyber and operational risks?

Question 7

How can I harness new technology so we have the best tools to drive growth?

Question 8

How can I set a digital transformation strategy for my organization but give us the flexibility and capability to spot and take advantage of new opportunities as they arise?

Question 9

How can I use data and analytics to drive real value within my business?

Client stories

Making an impact for our clients and turning their ambitions into real results