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Jed Donaldson

Consultant, UK

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Jed Donaldson

Consultant, UK

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1What do you like most about Berkeley?

In short… the people! (the never-ending supply of chocolate biscuits doesn’t hurt either)

When I first started exploring career paths outside of the large consultancies a key factor for me was finding a firm where the culture aligned to my values. I wanted to find a firm of really high performing people, focused on ‘doing right by their clients’ and where I am able to bring my whole self to work. That’s what I’ve found at Berkeley. 

2What do you like most about being a transformation leader? 

Being transformation leaders, we work with our clients when they are at ‘crunch time’ and facing their most complex challenges. Being able to work with clients at times like that is a huge privilege and means we get a chance to use our problem solving skills to make a real and lasting impact. Being exposed to such hurdles means we have a real opportunity to work with a whole organization, bringing the best of every capability/ function together.

3What are your values and how have they informed your career? 

Do what brings you joy and an opportunity to learn, and do it with people you enjoy working with.  

Since graduating, I have been lucky enough to work within organizations where there is the flexibility to shape your own career. This has meant that at each stage of my career I’ve been able to focus on taking a path that aligns most with the things I value. Prior to Berkeley, at a large consultancy, this meant working within a narrow client sector so that I could work across a broad range of programmes and capabilities – continually challenging myself to learn new skills. Getting to develop and hone those skills with a broader range of clients was a key driver for moving to Berkeley.