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Dave Edwards

Consultant, UK

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Dave Edwards

Consultant, UK

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Why did you join Berkeley?

Having previously only worked in traditional consulting firms, exclusively on financial services programs, I increasingly felt that I was in need of a change. Similar to many, I had become weary of consultancy as an industry, and felt my fortunes now lay somewhere else, but I didn’t know what.

When a recruiter first spoke to me about Berkeley, I initially only agreed to be interviewed because I was cynical and suspicious that the model could be a success, but within five minutes of my first interview, I was plotting out my new career. That I could work in multiple new sectors, on different types of roles, and have this as an asset rather than something just to be tolerated as a compromise; that the politics and pressures of promotion cycles and sales targets would cease to be a thing; and ultimately that I could work with like-minded, enthusiastic and motivated colleagues are what drew me to Berkeley. 

2  What’s the most important thing you learned at Berkeley?

Put simply, to be myself, and by extension, to trust that my voice and opinion are valid and worth sharing. The lack of hierarchies with other Berkeley colleagues in a room means I don’t second guess myself or whether I can speak my mind. I imagine that I’ll still keep learning this for a while yet, but so far, this realization has allowed me to have much more open, honest and two-way conversations with clients, and I feel more satisfied with the relationships that I’m building. Recognizing that I no longer have to meet a particular corporate brand with my opinions and observations, has made me feel freer and more comfortable than I have in any other previous role. 

3  What are your values and how have they informed your career?

Treat every interaction with honesty, respect and a willingness to challenge myself to learn something new or accept a different point of view is the main value by which I try to live, both within work and out. I extend this across all aspects of my work, whether it is in how I approach new client work, how I conduct myself when meeting new people, or in how I engage with things like Diversity, Equity and Inclusion issues and opportunities.

Through my career, these values have allowed me to broaden my experiences and points of view, to learn about the unique challenges and triumphs different people face, and allowed me to meet and form bonds with a much greater network than I may otherwise have had the opportunity to.