Building a Sustainable Business
In September Berkeley hosted a networking event with a keynote talk from Gail Klintworth on building a more sustainable business.
Previously Chief Sustainability Officer at Unilever, Gail now holds a number of non-executive and advisory roles related to what has become a key topic for businesses of all shapes and sizes and which is now at the very top of many CEOs’ agendas, not to mention governments’ as well.
Gail spoke passionately and knowledgeably about the environmental and social issues that we face globally and the crucial part that businesses have to play in addressing these. But she also struck a more positive note, pointing out that sustainable businesses are often more profitable businesses and that there are many opportunities around the world to be exploited whilst simultaneously addressing environmental and social issues. She provided a fascinating insight into a number of these and left all present with some food for thought.
We’d like to thank Gail, once again, for taking the time to come and talk to us and our guests.
Climate Change Toolkit
During 2019, Berkeley worked on a pro-bono basis with Chapter Zero and Hughes Hall, University Cambridge on developing a Climate Change toolkit that can be used by Non-Executive or Executive Directors to ensure that Climate Change action is on their boards’ agendas and being considered as part of their broader strategies.
The toolkit was launched on a pilot basis a few months ago and has been incredibly well received to date. It has recently undergone a redesign, funded by HSBC, and is due to be formally launched shortly. The toolkit is available to download and use free of charge, with the aspiration that it will become the ‘go-to’ framework that both private and public sector organizations will use to drive their climate-change strategy.
The toolkit is available for download here.