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Sustainability reporting readiness health check

This quick diagnostic tool is to help you test your organisation’s readiness to effectively meet the growing demands of sustainability reporting. 

Please note it is intended to give you an indication of where you need to focus to develop an efficient and mature sustainability reporting function, rather than to help you identify specific data-points or gaps in your reporting.

A. Understanding of requirements
B. Capability and process
See your results

A. Understanding of requirements

  1. You have recently performed a single or double materiality assessment and have a good understanding of all the sustainability topics that are material to your business.

    Strongly disagree Strongly agree
    Please make a selection
  2. Your company has a formal sustainability or ESG strategy in place that is embedded within the organisation.

    Strongly disagree Strongly agree
    Please make a selection
  3. You are confident in the quality, timeliness and auditability of your current sustainability disclosures.

    Strongly disagree Strongly agree
    Please make a selection
  4. You are aware of the mandatory sustainability reporting regulations currently applicable to your industry, geography and scale.

    Strongly disagree Strongly agree
    Please make a selection
  5. You understand the pipeline of incoming mandatory regulation and when you will need to report against applicable regulation.

    Strongly disagree Strongly agree
    Please make a selection